So White is now with us. The name was pretty much randomly chosen. We went to the vet's, and the receptionist asked for Brandon's name. Kholan translated, and Brandon gave his first name. She asked for 'name' again, and since Kholan didn't translate I assumed and told him she wanted his last name. He said "White". The receptionist looked confused, and said she wanted the puppy's name. I picked out the phrase "puppy's name" the second time and tried again. This caused a short discussion, which resulted in Brandon deciding to name the puppy White. I don't think it will stick for some reason. I like my suggestion of 'Stupid' much better.
In other news, winter has yet to set in. However, this doesn't mean that the city can't work up a good loogey of coal smoke to cough up every morning. No, that's not something screwy going on with the camera, that is visibility of half a mile on a cloudless day.
Today I set off through this smog to do my grocery shopping, as I do every Friday. I made a withdrawal of a hundred grand from the ATM, and spent it all. Well, not quite all of it. I had ten thousand left, but give me a break, I tried. I bought food for the next week and two dictionaries (Mongolian-English and English-Mongolian). Both of them were large dictionaries that included technical and archaic terms, since I'm always needing such things in my classes. I had to go back to the ATM again and take out another fifty thousand so that I could buy jeans. The jean's weren't bad though, only twenty-five grand. Hopefully they'll last, though I doubt they'll be very stylish if I wear them in the US. Very... um, whatever the style here is called.
Yes, the point of that paragraph was to use big numbers. The exchange rate is 1200 - 1, if anyone wants to calculate.
Ok, Ok, I know, everyone wants me to shut up and show more puppy pictures. Here you go:
1 comment:
so, this puppy is Branden's not yours, right? Don't get too attached. It will be hard to leave him. Does he have a better name yet? He's really cute!
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