Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Rant

I just read a story on CNN international that made my blood boil. Why on earth are we allied with Israel? Our support for them is one of the main reasons that the Islamic world hates us, and with good reason!
I never heard a peep about this kind of stuff when I was living in the US. There were stories of fighting and suicide bombings, but never these kinds of atrocities. Why do we support Israel? Can anyone give me one good reason?
I have realized something about the conservative / liberal media fight. The US media (conservative, liberal and otherwise) tells it's audience what it wants to hear. Most conservatives I know want to have something to yell (which is unhealthy) at and most liberals I know want a future where we care for all the cute furry things (which is kindergarten environmentalism). Neither of them are hearing about half the stuff that goes on in the world. When I get back to the US I'm going to change the settings on all the news websites I visit to "international".

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