I went for a 16k / 10 mile walk today. The main reason was that the leaves on the trees were budding out and opening up, which absolutely demanded a walk. However, I'm still not exactly sure why the "walk" turned into a 10 mile excursion. This excursion took me to the river, along the river for about an hour, and then back again. Here are some pictures.
Radio and television have the FCC to worry about. I have my dad. My dad has told me about half a dozen times that the language on my blog "isn't befitting of a missionary". So, in keeping with this advice I have blurred out certain words in this picture of graffiti. $10 to the first person who guesses what the mystery words are. Lol, just kidding.

This is a fairly common opinion among the majority of Mongolians. However, I have never seen such good grammar in Mongolian graffiti before. I mean, we have such complexities as an implied subject (you) and a correctly spelled nationality. Also, they said "The Chinese" instead of just "Chinese". Truly, this is a masterpiece of literary racism.

This one just rocks. I especially like the guy with the ski mask and the two spray cans. Sorry about the angle. It was really big, but I couldn't back up because there was a busy street behind me.

This is a masterpiece. Such wonderful detail! And all before the cops came! Too bad it's old. I would have liked to see it before other people covered it with meaningless rambling.

It's an alien.... angel.... scuba diver.... thing. Oh, and it has a spray paint can that could possibly be a grenade.

This is either a self portrait or an anime character. Either way, it's cool.

Any takers?

A Sunday afternoon for the emerging middle class.

I take a picture of it every time I go. I don't even know why.

I had to throw a rock to get this crow to take off at the right time. Do you think National Geographic does that?

A large hawk landed to take a drink from the river. I wish it had let me get closer, but I guess the crow had told it all about me. This picture was taken with maximum zoom. I had a picture of the hawk taking off (sans rock) but it was too far away to be any good.
I got back from my 10 mile walk extremely tired, and was absolutely elated to find out that for the first time in a week we had hot water (a week, no joke).
This Sabbath I'm going to preach on language barriers, specifically language barriers between us and God. I will show how God tries to work around these barriers, and what we can do to help him. That has nothing to do with the blog post, but I'd appreciate any stories or suggestions along the lines of the sermon.
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