Friday, March 27, 2009

What you owe... in Chickens

Let's say we converted the US national debt into chickens, and then somehow convinced these chickens to get in a line, beak to tail (remember, this is a hypothetical situation). Eleven trillion chickens in a line would probably cause space-time to bend and tear by nature of their sheer shock value. This would allow the line of chickens to defy the laws of physics, stretching out into empty space without losing their lives and / or chicken... ness.
Obviously this line of space-time defying chickens would be long. Very long. It would, in fact, be twenty four times the distance from the earth to the sun. This would place them somewhere between Uranus and Neptune.

12 inches was used as the standard length of a chicken. The minimum distance from the Earth to Neptune is about 18 astronomical units, so you can say the chickens are nine or ten inches and the stuff I said would still be right.

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