Sunday, January 11, 2009

Me rambling on about me

Yesterday was interesting. Not interesting for you perhaps, but interesting for me. It was the kind of interesting I could have done without though.
My Sabbath duties have become more and more unpredictable. On any given Sabbath it is possible for me to teach either of two Sabbath school groups, preach the sermon, or give a Bible study (which has to be adjusted on the spot depending on who shows up). Quite frankly, I stink at it. We were talking about heaven yesterday and I tried to find the verse that says there will be no more crying or death. I couldn't remember if it was at the very end or Revelation, or one of the other two "ends" in the middle of the book. Finally Beaver Eller (yes, that is his name) found it for me. Later, in the Bible study I needed to find where Jesus says whoever drinks the water he gives them will never be thirsty again (it's John 4). It seems I spend half my time flipping madly through my Bible finding things. The other half I spend scrambling to put together some kind of meaningful topic progression. I'm worried that it makes me come across as somewhat cold.
On top of this, the treasurer from somewhere came to give the sermon yesterday, bringing his whole family. They decided (of course) to sit in and listen to me flounder in the introductory Sabbath school.


I know that I'm not the one teaching people, that if anyone is led they are led by the Holy Spirit. I know that, but it's hard to remember I know it. If things go well, I feel proud, and then I feel bad for feeling proud. If things go badly I feel terrible (and no, I don't feel good for feeling terrible).

People on the level of my boss's bosses (like the treasurer) are always showing up here. Once my boss's boss's boss's boss's bosses showed up, making me think thoughts to the effect of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!".
I used to just push Brandon in their general direction and pretend I had stuff to do, but now Brandon is gone. Brandon left to have surgery in the US, and when he left I predicted that he wouldn't be back.

He hasn't come back.

He has yet to tell the pastor that this absence is permanent, but I'm going to bet that he'll do that too. Most of his SM friends are serving in places like Micronesia, which makes him very jealous and a bit bored.

I'll be teaching alone for the next two months. I asked for extra pay (in the Korean school they pay an extra $600 a month for one extra class) but I don't think I'll get it. This is a slow month, and it turns out that I won't be teaching any more classes than I did last term. Here's my schedule:

9:00 - class
10:00 - sit and veg
11:00 - sit and veg
12:00 - sit and veg
1:00 - lunch
2:00 - lower level junior class
3:00 - upper level junior class
4:00 - class
5:00 - class
6:00 - Bible study
7:00 - class

There are two changes that have been made since last term. The first is that I will only be teaching for half an hour during the Junior class. This is a good change, the kind of change that makes choirs of angels sing. Hishge will teach grammar for the first half of the class, which should soften them up a bit. I can then come in and seem like a breath of fresh air simply by virtue of the fact that I'm not teaching grammar.
The second change is that there are no classes on Friday. Instead we will have a general activity day. I'm planning on alternating between cooking and movies. I like the idea of cooking better because it allows for more informal conversation, and because it means I don't have to type up any question sheets or set up the projector. I think I'll have them make quiche this Friday, so I should probably make some today to make sure I can do it myself. If I fail we'll make cinnamon rolls.

Classes begin tomorrow, wish me luck!

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