Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have about 10 minutes to write this post, because it comes at the tail end of a two hour internet cafe session. The internet is down at the school, but I still have to download things from the internet for class activities, so I have made the journey down here.

I have a funny / happy post to write, but I don't have time to write it. Instead, I'll write about the sad and worrisome thing that happened on the same day.

I was sitting in the staff room after my last class (which now ends at 8:30) and one of my students came in. This is somewhat unusual, usually the students don't come into the staff room, because they never need to ask me things outside class. She was trying to communicate something that she found difficult to say.
"You... Saturday... Happy?" she asked.
I stared at her, mostly expressionless, waiting for more info.
"What you do Saturday" she asked.
I listed my Sabbath activites.
"You like Saturday?"
"yes" I said.
"Why you unhappy Saturday? Monday happy, Tuesday happy, Wednesday happy, only Saturday not happy."
It suddenly struck me. This student, who wasn't a church member and had never attended church, knew that I found Sabbath increadibly stressful. I asked her who had told her this.
"All church member" she said.


I have been finding Sabbath stressful. For one thing, I'm not comfortable leading a group. For another, I'm terrified of saying something that is theologically wrong. Also, I specifically dislike teaching new people who come to church, because they want to be fed basic facts in a lesson style for an hour at a time. Frankly, I feel like a new Christian myself in many ways, and I find it hard to teach them.

Also, there is the fact that I've been finding it hard to have genuine excitement for spiritual things lately. My mind is tired. I have prayed, desperately, for God to give me energy for things like this, and to strengthen my faith, but so far it hasn't helped.

Clock's running out
Please pray for me.

1 comment:

Dee said...

PRAYING FOR YOU!!! I appreciate your honesty. I've often stuggled myself with how to make the Sabbath a 'delight' inspite of the stress. Love & Prayers,