Friday, January 2, 2009

Slightly off topic

Al Frankin appears to be winning the senate race in Minnesota. The interesting thing is that Al Frankin is (in his own words) in the same business as Rush Limbaugh: attack based political humor. The only difference is that Al Frankin is a democrat.
Back in the fall of 2007 I predicted that Obama would become president because of a statement he made saying that God needed more of a role in the government. I've just spent an hour looking for the quote, and I can't find it, but it was there; buried in plain view in an article on a major news network website. At the time I thought he might be another step towards the end times.
Since then Obama's statements have been carefully controlled by his handlers, and it's hard to tell exactly what he thinks about church and state.

But I was probably wrong.

Still, it seems strange that we have had so many odd people elected recently. By "odd" I mean people who are not white, male, and over the age of 50.... and Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is 61).

People talk about how wonderful all this is. I have a cautiously pessimistic take on the whole thing. Have you noticed that many of the people who voted for the interesting politicians didn't vote for them because of their stated policy, but rather because they were interesting? I think people are just bored.

Personally, I think that the internet and television have created a basic change in how people view the world. It seems that people have created a category of "things I see on the internet and TV" in their minds. As entertainment has become more like reality, reality has become more like entertainment. We may have reached a tipping point, where people forget that they have an effect upon the world around them. This results in such absurd trends as millions of people buying "green" products; essentially normal products with green logos. See, if the world was the internet that would work.
The same thing may have happened in politics. People just want to see something interesting happen. A woman, a black man, an ex action star / juicer and a comedian are interesting picks for political office. I have nothing against them, I'm just saying it's odd they all came at the same time. People are forgetting that it doesn't go away if you refresh the page.
I also think that it's odd 76% of Americans think Obama is a strong and decisive leader. I'm hopeful about Obama, but last time I checked our president elect hasn't done much. The most major issue since the election has been the Israeli bombing of Gaza (the crash of the investment banking system doesn't count, since that started before the election). Obama hasn't even made a statement on that. How exactly is he being a strong leader? Just a thought.

Posts on topics not relating to politics will now resume.

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