Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I got a letter from a middle school student. His class (apperantly) is writing to student missionaries. I've decided to post it, taking out all the personal info and adding commentary.

Dear Chris Christiansen,

Hello, my name is J.G. I wanted to right to you and say that it is really nice that you are in Mongolia for missionary work. I looked up some stuff about Mongolia and it is a beautiful deserted place.

-deserted huh?-

I live in ______, next to the gas station. I live with my mom and dad, two brothers, three dogs and a bird that will eat anything! I love the winter here.

-they don't have winter there kid-

Sometimes it snows but not usually.
-see what I mean?-

My house is nice. It's blue, with a red deck, white front porch, and aqua blue windows. I have cool neighbors we always play baseball until one of the mean neighbors' dads tells us to stop. We still play when they're not home but they will never find out.

-your secret is... well I guess I've just posted it on the internet so it's not safe with me, but you know what I mean.-

What is it like being a student missionary?
-Can't complain, though I sometimes feel like I'm not getting much done.-

So what's in Mongolia?
-That's a very broad question. There's lots of rocks, lots of sheep, and not many Mongolians.-

Why did you pick Mongolia and what type of food do they eat?
-I picked Mongolia because I thought I could do some good here, and because it feels like my home. To the second (completely unrelated) question: they eat lots of boiled mutton, boiled beef, boiled potatoes, and boiled cabbage.-

Do they speak Spanish?
-How can I say this gently? I can't. I'll just let it be. No, they don't speak Spanish.-

I'm from Puerto Rico and I speak Spanish.
-Those two things would both be setbacks if you were trying to live here.-

Thank you for following God's lead and becoming a missionary. You're very lucky because you don't have any homework.
-No homework? Then why do I spend so long working outside class?-

I hate that stuff!
-you and everyone else-

I think it's really cool that you became a student missionary and are to helping (sic) people in Mongolia. Have a good time in Mongolia and a Happy Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!


The letter took five weeks to get here. It made my day, especially because I got to tease the guy (I'm evil).

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