Saturday, April 25, 2009

Angry Cat Pinata

Before I start the post on the pinata, I'd like to say that the student did show up to Sabbath school. Please pray for her. She has an absolutely voracious appetite for knowledge, and a very open mind. She's also a plain old nice person, and I'm hoping she shows up next week.

Oh, and could the person from Nebraska leave a comment saying who they are? I'm curious. I didn't know I knew anyone in Nebraska, but it keeps on popping up in the hits.

We made a pinata. Originally it was for the weekly activity day, but then I realized that only one or two people would show up to that day and decided to do it on Sabbath instead.

Sorry for the terrible video quality, I think Boorma forgot she was holding a camera.
I think I might make another pinata this summer, it seemed like people enjoyed it.

I've deleted the automatic "Being a missionary means..." thing from the last few posts. I think I'll leave it in for this one.
Being a missionary means two things: having a message to share (not all people do), and sharing it.

1 comment:

Chris D said...

Lol, I'm in Lincoln, Nebraska.. Duh

Union College FTW