Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Loud, throbbing Russian music in the internet cafe

Still no internet.
I learned long ago that people work on an interesting principal: "now" (being a specific time rather than a duration of time) is not when things get done. Now is too short to do anything other than drink a cup of tea, so all tasks must be done "later". Later is also a time, but it is a time of infinite duration. The best kind of later is the kind that is found inside the bounds of time designated as "tomorrow". If something needs to be done (say, if the internet service provider needs to be called) it is impossible to call them today because today includes only three times: before they arrive at work (around noon, apparently) lunch time, and the time after they have gone home. Tomorrow has no such problem, because tomorrow is an abstract concept which obeys it's own set of laws. Anything is possible tomorrow, because when tomorrow comes it is no longer tomorrow, but has instead changed it's name to "today": a time when one drinks tea. It's a wonderful loophole.

Three weeks ago I was told we would have internet on Friday. That Friday came an went, making a nice "woosh" noise as it passed. Since then I have been told that we would have internet "tomorrow". Truly, we are all doomed.

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