Thursday, February 5, 2009


I'm completely, totally, "bored out of my mind" done with the first stage of writing one of the songs I want to record this summer. Now I need to get people who might want to help me record it.
I have:
-A tenor
-A baritone
-A guitarist
-A cellist (maybe)
-A soprano (maybe)

I need:
-To have backups for the maybe's
-A violinist would be nice.
-a drummer would be AWESOME... though I'd have to change some stuff.
-Anyone that would like to come to New Hampshire this summer to help record stuff (I want to do about half a dozen songs).
If you know someone who might like to try it forward them here. Professional musicians (defined as "anyone who avoids the guitar because it is a toy") probably aren't a good idea, this is just a hobby thing.

I was going to embed the midi in this page, but it sounds terrible. Download this file and play it with windows media player. Since it's a midi the download should take about 2 seconds. The midi is simplified; there are no rhythm chords or arpeggiated chords because rhythm chords are hard to write (at least if the rhythm is interesting enough to bother writing it) and arpeggiated chords sound terrible in midi.

The song is, in short, about a guy who loses a girl to some other schmuck, gets jealous, and kills him (not very original, I know). It is sung by three people, with a monologue by the psycho harmonizing with a conversation between the couple.

Here are the lyrics:

(45 second intro)


Death in the season of love, though she screams I’ll be drunk with the tears and the darkness that keeps me warm.

And like the winter, my mind has gone with her, and God save my soul but I will do him harm.

His smile has haunted my dreams at night and he

(other two on “dreams) I’ll never leave your side

Can’t comprehend what it means, though he will see

(on means) I’m sure that we will find

What he has stolen was mine for a moment, and now all I hear is the screams.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love

(with power chords)

In the season he’ll fall like a blossom on water, so come one and all, see the lamb to the slaughter. In the season the call of the raven has got her, to drive her as I’ve gone before,



I can’t love her now

(guy) Now, as the night grows old

I can’t control myself *

I should take you home

God knows I’ve tried, * oh how I’ve lied to the world


You have possessed my heart.

(girl) (as yet unwritten response)

How do we ever part?

(more unwritten response)

Her skin in the moonlight, my goddess, temptress,

She has become my world, for the best is the only thing that you want to see, the most perfect feeling, and not fleeting, she has it all


Death in the season of love, and she screamed at the blood that now mingles so freely with all my own. Dreams as they once were will no longer dare stir, and God save us all from what I have just done.


I would love to make it more complex and interesting. Any suggestions would be welcome. I can send sheet music or tab to anyone who asks. It is possible that the sheet music will be terribly wrong, because wrote this thing by trial and error with the midi program (I haven't the foggiest notion how to read or write music). However, the two people who have read (who did read music) have said it was ok, so maybe there aren't too many problems.

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